Day 165  Seeds of Love

Day 165 Seeds of Love

The word of God is the seed of God's Love in us. His Love doesn't make us to sin; or to fall into the temptation for sin. His Love came to deliver us from the power of sin and death. Those who generously sow Love with people can expect to harvest generous Love. Whoever sows sparingly will reap.


The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The weeds are gathered and burned with fire, during harvest. We should understand that the evil things we are attracted to in our day today life are just temporary. On second coming, God will judge us all on the good things that we have done. So, let us all sow the good seed and become sons of the kingdom.
Plant and Water

Plant and Water

Our relationship with God is a beautiful thing that we should realize and seal in our heart that we are in a beautiful garden to plant seeds, water them with scriptures and pull weeds by getting rid of all the evil things. If we refuse to water it, or fail to water it, there will be no harvest; the seed will die in the ground, even if it is on good soil. Let us all start speaking His word over our seed. Begin worshipping and praising God for the increase and for our harvest.