By Pastor Andrew Farland

Today, I am giving you some straightforward, blunt, honest advice.

You need to get out of bed.

I remember, during my most recent bout with depression and anxiety, how difficult it was to start each day. I had no intention to do anything and what would get me into the most trouble was staying in bed. If I didn’t take a single step toward movement, I would surrender until a new day arrived.

Maybe that’s not your problem. Maybe you get stuck somewhere else and, if you don’t push through the barrier, you make no progress the rest of the day.

If you can relate to any of these descriptions, you need to get out of bed today. I once asked my friend, who was also working through her depression, how she gets through the day. Her answer was awesome. She said, “I brush my teeth.”

There are two helpful tips that you can use to “brush your teeth,” to push through those moments when the weight of life feels too heavy to move.

Distract yourself. Get out of bed and do something spontaneous like help someone else When you do something for another person, you take the focus off of yourself and your own thoughts for a while. The idea here is that you stay busy completing a task for another person. This will help you both physically and emotionally.

Remember that you aren’t a tree. You aren’t rooted in the soil. You aren’t planted there. God has created you to be a free-thinking person with talents and gifts that He wants to see used for His Kingdom. As tough as it might be to believe it, you do have the capacity to get up and make progress today.

So, here’s your bluntly honest advice again. Get out of bed today and start moving!

Galatians 6:9
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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