By Pastor Andrew Farland

Let’s play a game of “Choose your own adventure.”

Imagine yourself in a dark tunnel, running toward a bright light that seemingly never gets closer with each stride you take. In this scenario, you are running toward an unattainable “light at the end of the tunnel”

Now, imagine yourself running through a dark tunnel with a light illuminating the path 20 feet in front of you. You are unable to see the end, but, you have light along the way.

Which scenario would you choose?

If you chose the second one, you’re similar to me. I think it’s exactly how God works. As humans, we believe we need to make our way toward God, to run toward His light because we think He’s somewhere at the end of the journey. The truth is, though, that He’s in the tunnel with us.

God is not the light at the end of the tunnel. He’s the light in the tunnel!

I once met a WWII veteran who, after telling me some unbelievable war stories, gave me some incredible advice. He looked at me and said, “God’s arm is never too short.” When he was in battle, and it felt like the enemy was going to overrun his platoon at any time, he knew God was never far away.

Today, if you feel like your enemy is taking over, remember that God’s arm is never too short. His arm is never too far away.

Trust that even though you’re going through the fire, you won’t be burned.

Isaiah 59:1
“Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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