By Pastor Andrew Farland

Whether you’re a musician or not, you intuitively understand how music works. You know how you feel when the tempo slows down or speeds up. You can’t explain it, but you know that certain notes or rhythms make you want to dance or reflect on the mysteries of the world. The amazing thing about music is that it crosses all barriers and speaks a universal language that can affect people deep inside their souls.

Music is just like our circumstances.

Life happens to everyone. Every man and woman knows what it’s like.

What I mean is that life slows down and speeds up. It plays certain notes and it pauses at inopportune times. Life is full of highs, and if you’re struggling through a season of depression right now, you know that it can be full of lows.

You need to know that you’re normal and that you are joined in the valley with millions of other people who are trying to make sense of the music.

You also need to be encouraged with this truth: not every day is a stadium event. Sometimes life is boring or the opposite of what you want it to be. You might see other people post pictures on social media that make them look like they have it all together. Trust me. They don’t.

The depression and anxiety you are experiencing are normal. I know it’s not easy, but you need to know that you are not crazy. It’s just the music of life. And, if you can keep taking small steps forward, you will get through it.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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