By Pastor Andrew Farland

Have you ever seen a war movie or a film about someone lost in the woods?
If so, you’ve seen people get their bearings by climbing up to the high ground. For just a moment, they are able to experience a moment of clarity, a minute to find direction.

When I was struggling through a difficult season of depression, I would give anything for a moment of clarity. Because, when your thoughts aren’t the same and you don’t’ recognize your own voice when you talk to yourself, you long for high ground where you might see the horizon and know where to step next.

God gave those moments to me, a little bit at a time. Maybe you know what I’m talking about – those brief periods when everything feels like it used to.

Psalm 107 tells the story of a group of people who were “troubled” and “near the gates of death.” At their lowest point, “God sent his word and healed them. He saved them from the grave.” For me, those moments of clarity were gifts from God, saving me from the literal grave. They were like a temporary compass in which I caught a glimpse of the direction I should go.

Why do I think God gives us short snippets of peace in the middle of the forest? To remind us that we are not going to understand why this is happening to us is such an overwhelming way. Clarity will come in small pieces. It’s going to take time.

Today, and in the days to come, be ready for God to send you to some high ground. Be reminded that he won’t give you all of the answers right away. But, you can trust that He is in the process of healing you and saving you.

Psalm 107:35
He changes a desert into a pool of water and makes water flow out of the dry ground.

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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