By Pastor Andrew Farland

One of the most effective ways that God heals and saves us when we’re troubled and near the gates of death is by sending people into our lives at just the right time. How do I know this? Because it’s exactly what He did for me.

When I was at my lowest, a friend decided to fly hundreds of miles to and from my home, on a monthly basis, to walk alongside me through my depression. At first, I didn’t want her help. But, over time, the visits became a sort of candle in the darkness.

On one of my friend’s visits, she spoke words of truth that I need to share with you today. She taught me that God doesn’t always show up in big ways as He did with Moses in the burning bush or in a rainbow-like He did with Noah. Instead, you have to search for glimpses of Him; you have to find Him in the whispers.

She told me to think about how the sun and the moon function. When the sun goes down, the moon comes up and reflects 15 % of the sun’s light. God has literally built the world so that His creation is never without light. Imagine that! The light of the world created a place that can’t exist without Him!

In our lives, especially when our depression weighs heavy, God ensures that we are never completely without light. And He does this through the people that He puts in our path. Just like the moon reflects the sun’s light, our friends reflect God’s light into our lives.

Today, and in the days to come, be cognizant of the men and women He might be putting in your way to disrupt your routine and bring you closer to Him. Spend time asking God for wisdom to recognize His hand in your life. And remember, God knew the struggles you would face and He is sending the right people at the right times.

Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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