By Pastor Andrew Farland

I’m not somebody who believes that God makes bad things happen on purpose. I am, however, someone who believes that He uses everything that happens, good and bad, to teach people what they need to learn. I also believe that He will keep finding opportunities to teach us the same lesson until we hear it.

During the time in which my depression was the strongest, I asked a lot of questions of God. And when I ran out of questions for God, I asked the universe because I thought it might be able to help. It didn’t help, in case you were wondering. The reality was that God would use my struggle to mold, shape, and direct me. But, I wouldn’t understand until I found myself with a clearer state of mind.

Think about how a moth forms in its cocoon. The longer the larvae wait to escape, the more it feels pressure building up around it. And the more pressure the larvae feel, the stronger its wings will be when it breaks free of the cocoon. The pressure makes the moth strong. If it breaks free too soon, it falls to the ground because it doesn’t have the resilience it needs to survive.

You are just like a moth in a cocoon. Over the coming days, weeks, and maybe months, you are going to feel the weight of life grow heavier and heavier until you can’t quite take anymore. When that happens, if it hasn’t already, don’t worry about finding answers or breaking out too soon. Why? Because God might be using your circumstance to teach you something you need to hear. And He might use your story to help others as He did with mine.

I know this isn’t easy to understand right now. But, trust me as someone who has been exactly where you are. God is with you and is going to use this circumstance for something beautiful.

Romans 8:28
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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