By Pastor Andrew Farland

I have talked a lot about my story and how I was able, by God’s grace, to overcome some serious obstacles. But, I want you to know that the storm still tries to get in. I am under no illusion that I will never experience a season of strong depression again. But, as I sit here with clarity of mind and gratefulness to God for helping me through the toughest battle of my life, I want to spend several days sharing with you what He has done in my heart, mind, and, soul as a result of that experience.

There will come a day when you feel a subtle shift that causes you to recognize you aren’t shouldering as much weight as you used to. You will suddenly be able to remember what you were like and how you felt before you got sick: the movies that made you laugh, the friends that gave you life, or the food that put a smile on your face. There will be the day when you can authentically thank God that you are getting better. It happened to me very slowly and I believe it will happen to you, too.

The way I spent my days was the first significant change I noticed. For months, the mere thought of getting out of bed, going to the grocery store, or going for a walk was emotionally draining enough to keep me inside. Then, when my subtle shift occurred, I found the motivation to play tennis like I did before I was sick. I started weightlifting and working on my physical health through diet and exercise. The most important change was that I could feel again and find enjoyment in the activities I used to appreciate.

Today, I want to give you a bold truth. Your breakthrough is coming. You will find joy again. You will be able to feel again. God is working in your life and I promise that, if you stay the course and focus on your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, God will do the rest of the work.

Isaiah 43:19
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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