By Pastor Andrew Farland

I pray that these daily devotions in 40 Days of Hope have been encouraging to you and that they have brought light into the dark rooms of your life. On the last day of this series, I want to tell you a story that started this entire journey. I tell it to you not to act like I’m more spiritual than you, but to reinforce one of our major themes: When we absolutely need Him, even if it doesn’t feel like it, God is near and waiting for us to lean on Him.

Two years before I got sick, I went to a concert by a band called Sleeping Giants. Front-man, Tommy Green, after playing one of my favorite songs, shared his profound, personal story with the audience. He said that he had recently realized his need to fully rely on God, that he couldn’t do anything without Him.

As simple as it was, Green’s words convicted me. For my entire life, I believed that knowing God was a good thing. But, I had never had an experience in which I had to trust God to work miraculously in my life. So, at the Holy Spirit’s prompting, I prayed, “God, I want to be the kind of person that needs you. I want our relationship to be one in which I fully rely on you for everything.”

Fast-forward to the middle of my depression. I was sitting in my bed, contemplating my day when God’s voice hit me square in the heart. He said, “You asked for this.”

God reminded me that I had asked for a moment, a big event, out of which only God could pull me.

Wow. Writing about that morning, when God spoke to me, gives me chills.

I’m on the other side now and I can tell you that, if you keep pushing forward, you will find your way. If anything, I hope the past 40 days have given you the encouragement you need to persevere. Let’s close our time in prayer together.


I am imperfect. I am messy. And I feel lost. Thank you for loving me even when I am weak and vulnerable. Please continue to teach me how to seek you in the darkness and not listen to the enemy’s lies. Give me the ability to focus on the positive, to believe that healing is on its way, and to stay connected to you when it’s so easy to pull away.

Thank you for your grace that was ultimately shown to the world when Jesus took our sins away on the cross.

In His name, we pray,


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