By Pastor Andrew Farland

I went walking on a beach one evening with a friend who had flown out to support me and journey with me through my depression. We covered what seemed to be miles along the coastline, talking and listening to one another. I told her about my life, my confusion, my doubts. And she, being an awesome friend, told me that the same thoughts, doubts, and struggles I was experiencing were the same ones she had during her fight against depression and anxiety.

I’ve said this before, but I need to reiterate it for you. The value of a good friend, when you are taking steps to heal, cannot be overstated! Without this girl showing up in my life every month, I would never have gotten better.

After our conversation grew silent, the sun began to set over the water. My friend, who had just heard me unload all of my baggage, stopped and pointed to my feet. A ray of sunshine had landed on my toes and was following me along the shoreline. Sunlight was everywhere, reflecting off of the water, shimmering like diamonds. The more we walked, the more I noticed that the ray of sunlight was not going to leave me alone. My friend reminded me that anywhere people stand on the shore, a ray of light will reflect off of the water and hit their feet.

It took me forever to finally grasp what God was teaching me that day. And here it is. God sees all of His children. But, He sees you, and He sees me, exactly where we are today.

Let me make this even clearer for you. He knew you when you were forming in your mother’s womb. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows where you’re weak and where you’re strong. He knows you by name. You may not feel it right now, but God is shining a direct ray of light at your feet.

Today, I challenge you to stop walking along the shore and look for His light. He has always been with you and He is with you as you take steps toward healing.

Psalm 8:4
“What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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