By Pastor Andrew Farland

The longer you go without dealing with conflict, the harder it’s going to be to repair your relationship.

This is why Jesus instructs us in Matthew 18 to go to someone right away when that person sins against us.

15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.

The Bible says don’t let the sun go down on your anger.

What does that mean?

It means that you must take care of anger right away; don’t let your anger fester. God wants us to address problems right away to help us to save and preserve our relationships with each other.

I know firsthand how hard that request can be.

There was a time that I had a falling out with someone. We had a miscommunication, and as a result, I didn’t say anything for three months. During that time I started to build a case against the other person. This case was based on imagination and fabrication; never was it founded on truth.

The other person was fine and thought nothing was wrong between us.

But I allowed the lie I believed to continue for three months.

The anger you don’t deal with right away festers, and the enemy works on your mind, using that venom against you. He uses your rage to poison you!

That enemy wanted me to preserve the lie I had been telling myself. He is an accuser and an instigator of lies. He will plant seeds in our minds that God doesn’t love us or we are not good enough for God.

Soon the seed he plants will grow like a weed with long and far-reaching roots, The weed blossoms quickly, and it soon blocks out everything else from your mind. You’ll begin to think the other person wronged you and deserve punishment. Maybe you begin to think you should pull your affection from them.

God tells us to go to the person and clear up the miscommunication as soon as you realize there is an offense. Communicate in person, not in a text message or What’s App post that can be easily misconstrued. You must see their body language, and they must see yours.

If you can’t be there, call them. As a last resort, text.

The truth is far better than the stories with which we try to satisfy ourselves. The sooner we address our anger, the better because it is the truth that shall set us free.

John 8:32 (NIV)
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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