By Pastor Andrew Farland

If you’ve ever been let down by someone in your life, letting go and letting God take care of things can seem hard to do.

You may be asking, “Is God really capable of being in control of my life, and is He able to help me when I need it?”

The answer lies in Job 38, where God reveals his presence and power to Job by commanding the oceans:

“This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt.” [Job 38:11]

God tells Job that He’s in control of the boundaries of the waters. Think about this for a moment. Water covers two-thirds of our planet, and the remaining third island. Imagine what would happen if the oceans had no boundaries.

The oceans would spill out and cover not just the shoreline, but the entire Earth. The small amount of land we have would be covered with 6,000 feet of water.

Fortunately, God established boundaries that protect us. God in is control of everything on Earth and in the celestial sky as well.

The giant traveling star Arcturus is the brightest star in the Ursa Major constellation, and it’s the 4th brightest in the northern sky. It’s thirty times bigger than our sun. The Bear Guardian, as Arcturis is also known, is constantly on the move, barreling along at a brisk 4,200 mph right this minute.

That’s a lot of horsepowers. Imagine God asking Job if he’d like to drive that monster truck. One stomp on the gas pedal, and the beast would be out of control. But God’s got this. He shows His ability to control and manage a massive and powerful star like Arcturis.

He is on top of things.

Like Job, many of us wonder if God can really help us. So many times we doubt that God cares or can even bring us through a hard time.

Maybe you’re struggling with believing God for your future. God shows us daily that he really can help us. He cares, and He can do it.

After all, He holds back the waters every day. The waves cannot increase or go over a certain size, nor may they exceed their boundaries. God guides Arcturus through its paces in the night sky.

He does all of this and more, so of course, God is capable of helping us when we need it.

Jeremiah 32:37
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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