By Pastor Andrew Farland

Every really great question needs an equally great answer. The challenge lies in figuring out how to ask the right questions, whether you need information or are studying God’s word.

My pastor once told us that the key to good Bible study and getting something out of God’s word is asking the right questions.

You’ll have the best Bible study if you ask the right questions.

The same thing is true with God’s voice. When you are studying God’s word, you must ask the right questions. In fact, if you want to hear God’s answer, you must ask specific questions.

Lately, I’ve been going back to a technique that’s worked well for me before. I ask God intentionally specific questions so that I get equally specific answers. I know He will answer my questions because He tells us to knock on His door, seek Him out, and ask for what we need.

God wants you to find Him.

The problem is that we don’t ask specific enough questions. We ask vague questions, expecting nothing more than a vague response, or maybe no response at all. We’re afraid of the silence. We’re afraid that God won’t answer us. But if you ask a specific question, you will get a specific answer.

Just today I was just processing something I have to do tomorrow. I took ten minutes to pray, silencing my heart and waiting for God’s response. It wasn’t long before I got a specific answer. God’s answer comes as an aha moment, and it’s always clear. He has a specific answer for my specific question.

I encourage you to ask specific questions rather than general ones because the latter will get you a general answer.

Sometimes we’re afraid to step out in faith and ask for that special answer.

Do it anyway, and you’ll sense God’s grace. You’ll see him answer your questions because you asked the right kind of questions – specific ones. You’ll get certainty in your heart and have a sense that God is there.

God does want to answer your questions. His answers will help you become confident in your prayer life. Special answers challenge your faith and encourage you to step out more boldly in your faith as well.

Matthew7: 7-8
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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