By Pastor Andrew Farland

Persecution is hostility meant for Jesus coming to me.

Persecution is not personal. When you follow Christ, you’ll meet people who do not like Him, and they’ll take their anger out on you.

They are going to keep all of their bitterness, anger, and objections, and they will hurl them at you. You’ve already happened to others, I’m sure.

During a presidential election, I displayed a bumper sticker on my car. It was for a candidate I hoped would win. When I drove this car, people would flick me off, say mean things about me, and some even tried to run me off the road. I realized it wasn’t me they didn’t like. They didn’t even know me. They didn’t like my choice of candidate. They didn’t like the sticker on my car.

In the same way, people today are persecuting Christians because we are representing Jesus. Remember that persecution is hostility meant for Jesus coming to us.

There was a lady named Anne who was on a political talk show, and she announced who she thought the next president would be. The entire panel was on the opposite side of the political aisle. Anne boldly professed her belief (which came to pass), and those who disagreed with her mocked her and made fun of her on the air – on national TV, no less.

That’s what it’s like for us when we follow Christ.

We go into a place and boldly come face to face with the culture. If you say “Hey, I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe in Jesus,” people will make you the laughing stock of the world. That’s something we have to expect as Christians when we are thrust into the midst of different beliefs.

It’s like the fresh water and saltwater when it meets in the Fraser River near Vancouver, British Columbia. The freshwater bursts over the top of the saltwater, almost in a showdown. It’s like a war, two opposing sides, both with strong beliefs and with blazing guns.

When people are persecuting you, and you’re trying to share your faith in an attempt to witness for God and share His love, focus on Jesus being right there with you. You may feel alone. You may be tempted to second-guess your faith, but don’t do it. When you speak the truth of God’s word, you are empowered by the Author’s words. That author is still very much alive today.

The Bible is God’s living word.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so we would have the same kind of guidance He had while He was on Earth.

Remember that the spirit of Jesus Christ himself is with you. During the persecution, you may feel like backing down because you’re ashamed of your faith, but don’t do it. Stand boldly and profess your faith. Tell people how it is. They might not want to hear it, but the world is going crazy, and immorality is running rampant. Yet no one will stand up to them.

Scientists think they have all the answers. They say Christianity is stupid, without a foundation or base.

Think instead about the power of who God is. You have the strongest message behind you, and yet Christians are so weak. They won’t confront anything in the world. Instead, they retreat and hide. They won’t go up to the line. They won’t challenge the beliefs of the world.

Meanwhile, literally, everything in the world is going to hell. Christians are backing down, but don’t back down when people are hostile to you.

The truth is that the darkness in them is afraid of the light in you.

Focus on Jesus being right there with you, holding your hand, strengthening you, and encouraging you to keep going in your faith.

Stay close to God’s word. The Bible and God’s word is the power source in your life.

Deuteronomy 31:6,8
“ Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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