By Pastor Andrew Farland

The Bible talks clearly about work.

When God created the world, He worked diligently for six days, and then He rested one, on the Sabbath. In today’s culture, we can forget that last day, the Sabbath; we tend to turn it into overtime in the hopes that we’ll either finally catch up or maybe even get ahead.

We use our seventh day to finish reports, write emails, complete chores, and otherwise continue to work.

You are right to be sowing seed always; you never know for sure where the big payoff will be or even which seeds will take. We need a balance that allows us to acknowledge that God is the only one who can make the seed grow. He is the only one who can water it, nurture it, and bring its fruit to fruition.

Work hard in the morning and in the afternoon, but also give yourself permission to take a break. Pace yourself rather than race yourself to the finish line. There is a big difference between pacing yourself and running relentlessly without a break. The pacing keeps you at the top of your game; racing wears you down and prevents you from doing your best work.

God calls us to do our best in everything we do, but find the balance in making it happen. Always be working, but take time for yourself and for God. Make work part of your routine, but take time to rest and honor God for His influence in your life.

Ecclesiastes 11:6
“Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well..”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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