Have you ever felt like you needed an amazing story, full of overwhelming heartbreak or enormous obstacles, to talk to someone about Jesus?
Sometimes, if you’re like me, you can feel like the only people who have a story worth sharing are the ones whose stories bring people to tears. Honestly, I thoroughly enjoy listening to someone talk about their extreme life-change because it brings me encouragement.

But, what I want you to hear today is that you don’t need an earth-shattering story to testify to the grace of God in your life. Your life is a walking, living, breathing testimony that God is working in your life and it’s one that He continues to write every single day.

Think about the seemingly mundane parts of your life. Maybe it’s school, marriage, parenting, or your job. Then, think about those moments at school when you sat by a loner during lunch, the time when you taught your child about forgiveness, or when you were the first to say “I’m sorry” after arguing with your spouse. Those are the moments in which you choose to live differently than the rest of the world. And it’s when you make the decision to live like Jesus that your life shines as a testimony to everyone around you.

Your life is a testimony. Today, as you go through daily routines that seem to be without impact, remember that the way you live your life is a testimony to the work that God has done. People are watching. Use each moment as an opportunity to tell your story.

And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
1 John 5:11

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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