By Pastor Andrew Farland

God’s Capacity To Love

One of the things I love most about God, as I was sitting here reflecting, is His capacity to love.
It seems like, as a human and a person, I’m set up for failure.

I literally fail over and over. Whether it’s been an addiction that I’ve gone through, I’ve lost my temper, or I’ve been unfaithful in my commitments, I’ve always been able to go back to God, to that place of grace.

During this quiet time, I ask, “What is it, God, that you love so much about me? How is it that you’re able to love me at all?”

It’s so simple.

Every time I go back to God, I have a safe place to land. No matter what I’ve done, He is constant.

His love is constant.

He’s like, “I love you because I love you because I love you.”

God is love. That’s the only thing He’s about. His arms are your safe place.

I want to tell you today that no matter what you’ve been through – maybe you’ve done something that you can’t forgive yourself for or someone has done something really horrible to you – you can harness the power of God’s love today.

Whether you need to receive God’s love for things you have done wrong or you need to give love for the wrongs committed against you, you can harness His love like this:


Unplug from the world.

Get into a quiet place that refreshes you.

Right now, I’m sitting on a mountaintop. Every week or two, I drive 90 minutes to this destination to unplug from the world and listen to God.

For just a little while, unplug from your responsibilities. Shrug off the weights you might have taken on yourself.

Receive God’s love.

The best place to receive His love is in quiet. It’s a place with no agenda, where you can ask God questions, listen, and ponder. Sit in awe of His creation.

I like to watch huge trees and listen to the wind rush through their branches and boughs like a rushing river. As I sit under the massive trees in awe of God, I listen to the birds, and I look at how big the world around me is. It reminds me of how small I am. It makes me remember that everything going on in me is nothing, really.

Place your focus on God.

Take time today to harness His love, whether for you or somebody else. I guarantee you’ll tap into His capacity.

If you fail at the day-to-day parts of your life, if you’re addicted to something if you keep making the same mistakes, remember that God is there. He’s waiting to receive you with open arms.

He loves you unconditionally.

Zephaniah 3:17
“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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