Don’t Forget Your First Love

By Pastor Andrew Farland

Don’t Forget Your First Love

God always knows exactly what you need to hear. Why? Remember, He knows what you’re going through and wants to be with you.
Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God entering people’s lives in unique and powerful ways. He appeared to Moses in a burning bush, to Daniel in His dreams, and to the Apostle Paul in a blinding light.

In Revelation chapter 2, the closing pages of the Bible, God did it again. He wrote seven letters to seven different churches who needed to hear a message specific to where they found themselves. Some early Christians were being persecuted, some had veered off course, and other were discouraged. Into each of these situations, God spoke.

The first letter was written to the church in Ephesus, a group of Christians who had lost direction. God says that they had “forgotten their first love” and had been persuaded to listen to voices that were not His. I don’t know about you, but I would be pretty embarrassed if the God of the universe said that about me.

It’s what they needed to hear.

Have you ever been there? Are you in that exact same spot right now? For years, your faith was strong. You were plugged into a church, had Christian friends who helped you grow. But, now you’re lost and can’t remember the last time you cracked open your Bible. There probably wasn’t one cataclysmic event that made you lose your faith. It just happened slowly over time.

If that’s you, or if you find yourself slipping away from your “first love,” God wants you to know that He loves you, forgives you, and wants you to come back. He said the same thing to the Christians at Ephesus when He wrote these words:

Revelation 2:4-5
“You have forgotten the love you had at first… do the things you did at first.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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