Define The Relationship

By pastor Andrew Farland

At the end of the Bible, there are seven letters written by God to seven different churches. Each church was full of people, not unlike you and I, going through their own set of challenges and overcoming their own obstacles. And, the amazing thing about God, that we learn from these letters, is that He always meets people where they are and speaks truth into their specific situation.

Over the last couple of days, you and I have explored God’s words to churches in Ephesus and Smyrna. Today, we’re going to take a look at His letter to the church at Pergamum.

The Christians who lived in Pergamum were similar to an armored car. They had endured serious persecution during which one of their closest friends was killed. They had experienced the strongest of temptations, from Satan himself, to leave their faith. And though they had every reason to give up, the Bible says that the armored car of a church withstood the fight, staying “true to God’s name and did not renounce Him.” In His letter to the church at Pergamum, God encouraged Christians to stay the course.

Is God telling you the same thing today?

How strong is your faith in God? If you went through the same trials as the Christians in Pergamum, would you be able to stay true to your first love? Maybe you’ve never thought about it before. Are there voices that are louder than the voice of your heavenly father? Are you beginning to put more stock in the so-called truth of the culture around you? If so, today is good day to reevaluate your faith.

It’s time for the DTR. Define the Relationship.

In the same letter to the Christians at Pergamum, God described Himself as a “double-edged sword.” In other words, He loves to encourage and build His people up, but He simultaneously is passionate about people who abandon the faith and choose to walk a different path.

What does this mean for you? Spend time today deciding how you can build up your armor of faith so that when temptations and struggles come your way, you will withstand the attacks and lean into God for help and protection. Define your relationship with Him.

Matthew 6:13
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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