Author: Pastor Andrew

There are some people that are just hard to love. Think about the manager who never thanks you for your hard work or the family member who makes every holiday get-together about them. Jesus said it’s easy to love people who love you in return and to be kind to people who treat you fairly. It’s a different story, though, when you have to love people who don’t return the favor.

Recently, God taught me the importance and power of love to break down walls and build His kingdom on earth when I spent a day with a family that’s hard to love. From the start, they didn’t really want to be around me. It was Obvious with their short remarks and cold shoulders. “I have to do an entire day of this?!” I thought. But, I decided in that moment to love them and not to correct them. I let them be who they were going to be.

The most amazing thing happened. They started to open up and invite me into their lives. By the end of the day, they asked me to stay longer and wanted me to come back for another visit.

That event taught me that unconditional love, the same kind Jesus showed on the cross, has the power to break through cultural or personal differences. And it taught me three truths about love I want to share with you today:

Love is patient. The Bible knows what it’s talking about! The firmest people to love are the ones who need it the most.
Love is a seed to be scattered. Even though we don’t know how it’s going to go, God wants us to love the people in our lives and let Him do the rest.
Love is long-suffering. It will take time to see the impact of our love for others. So, anything of value takes time.

As you go about your life today, think about the people who are hard to love. What is God telling you to do for them? Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. God’s unconditional love has the power to transform anybody.

Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love. (1 John 4:8)

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