Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

“In the Kingdom of God, we learn and grow as we go. It’s similar to a father who builds a treehouse with his son. Initially, the kid may not have any experience and might accidentally hit his fingers with the hammer many times. The father doesn’t necessarily need his son’s help; he might slow down the project and make it difficult for the father. But despite these challenges, the father wants his son to be involved because he loves him and wants him to learn and grow.”

Similarly, God doesn’t need us but; He wants us to grow and learn, so He lets us build the treehouse with Him. This means that God wants us to start living for Him, even if we are young, immature, lack knowledge, or feel insecure. He wants us to live for Him even before we have our addictions or issues fixed. God wants us just the way we are.

There is a story in the Bible where Abraham sends his servant on a mission. After the servant returns, he says, “While I was on my way, the Lord led me.” This means that as the servant was taking steps forward, God showed him where to go. The servant didn’t receive guidance from God; until he had started his journey.

To discover our true purpose, we must align ourselves with the principles of the Kingdom of God. Although we may usually rely on prayer and wait for divine guidance, God also wants us to take courageous leaps of faith, step out of our comfort zones, and have faith that He will take care of the rest.

If you’re waiting for God to answer before doing something for Him, maybe He wants you to take the first step. Consider what God might want from you and what you’ve been holding back. God wants you to be like the boy building the treehouse with his dad: start building it, even if you don’t get it right for the first time.

“So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.” (Hebrews 6:1)

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