Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

As we discussed yesterday, our natural inclination is to pray and wait for God’s guidance, expecting Him to tell us where to go. However, God desires us to take action and to have faith in him that He will meet us on our journey.

We start without having all the information we need. It’s trial and error. It’s like putting together a puzzle without any instructions.

I don’t want to make it sound like finding your calling is a game of chance. God has created every one of us to worship Him and build His kingdom on earth. Because of that, we need to be intentional about finding God’s specific calling in our lives.

There are three key steps you can take to move toward your calling:

1. “Discover your passion, but don’t settle for something that merely gives you momentary pleasure. Look for something that you can commit to seeing through to the end. What activity or pursuit will bring you a sense of fulfilment? If you have a natural talent for encouraging others, find ways to do so. If you are inclined towards generosity, strive to be an amazing giver. Consider how God has uniquely shaped you and let that guide you in your search for purpose.”
2. Choose your tool wisely. Determine the path through which you will pursue your passion. Will you opt for teaching, organizing events, or starting a podcast? Make a decision about how you want to manifest the zeal that God has instilled in your heart.
3. “Stay the course. Many people give in and give up too early. The Bible teaches us that when we are responsible for a small amount, we will be entrusted with more. Therefore, when you are in the midst of your journey to find your purpose, be patient. Do not allow the pressures of the world to force you to quit.”

“As you go about your day today, take some time to reflect on how God has uniquely wired you. Consider what God may be calling you to do in order to find true fulfilment. Ask Him to give you the courage to take the first step out on faith, knowing that you may need to move forward without a clear understanding of your final destination.”

“Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 1:8)

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