Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

After Jesus had been dead for three days and His body had been placed in a tomb, two women went to check on Him. When they arrived, they discovered that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, and an angel appeared to them. The angel informed them that Jesus had risen from the dead.

The two women were excited and confused as they sprinted to tell the disciples what they had just seen. On their way, they encountered a man who appeared to be a regular gardener, but upon approaching him, they noticed the scars on his wrists and realized that it was the same man they had followed for years: Jesus. He was standing in front of them, alive.

It was a moment filled with joy, tears, and hugs. The irony of the situation was beautiful – the man they mistook for the gardener was Jesus, who had been present with God the Father at the beginning of time. God created the Garden of Eden through Jesus. This was where Adam and Eve lived in a perfect relationship with each other and with God. The Bible says that God even walked in the garden in the cool of the evening.

Here’s why the meeting with Jesus was so powerful.

“When Jesus rose from the dead, He defeated death – the very consequence of the sin that led Adam and Eve to be driven out of the Garden of Eden. In a way, they had seen the gardener, but Jesus was the only one who could bring them back into a perfect relationship with their creator.”

I hope you get your time to experience Jesus, the son of God, who defeated death so that we could have eternal life and build God’s kingdom on earth without fear of the enemy. You can be confident in this today. Nothing can stand against you because the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us!

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” (Colossians 1:13)

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