By Pastor Andrew Farland

It’s ridiculous to think that your suffering is always because you did something wrong, and now God is getting you back. Let me say it again . . . ridiculous!!

Job was considered the most righteous man of his time and yet he suffered. We are hard-pressed to find a more righteous mature Christian man – or a person who suffered as much as he did. Not only that, but amidst that suffering, Job’s friends tried to convince him that he must have done something wrong! What help, right?! But in the end, God vindicated Job, and He dealt with those who gave this honorable Christian that bad advice. Why? Because He knew how foolish their claims were when they were convincing a righteous man that he was wayward.
What was the truth? Job didn’t do anything wrong and yet he still suffered.

Here’s the lesson of the day:
Suffering and pain visit everybody. We all have to get through challenges. But here’s the comfort: You can know today that if you are going through a difficult time, everyone else is too! Maybe not today, but at some point, they also will go through fiery trials . . . it’s a part of life.

Here’s what I want you to know: while you’re traveling through these dark and scary places, you are sheltered by the love and care of God. He cares about you and your situation. You can trust that He’s got your best interest at heart, and He will help you through it as long as you continue to trust Him.

Matthew 5:45
“For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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