Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

The other day, I had to slam the trunk of my car shut because it was overflowing with groceries. In the process, I crushed half of my newly purchased food and nearly broke a window. Have you ever been in the same situation?

In our Christian life, as we’re trying to become the people God created us to be, God is constantly and subtly moving in our lives. He speaks to us through His word and His Holy Spirit and guides us through other people and by closing doors. Honestly! it amazes me that God would want to spend time moulding and shaping me into the person He wants me to be.

At the same time, though, we can be stubborn and do to our faith what I did to the trunk of my car. We can hear or feel God moving us to go somewhere or to take a immense leap of faith, but instead, we run the other way, hoping that our plans will work out. We know God’s ways and thoughts are better than ours, but we still do our own thing.

I want to tell you today! that if it doesn’t fit, don’t force it.

If you know, deep down in your soul, that your way is not as good as God’s way, quit pursuing it!

What in your life is God asking you to release to Him? What is it that you’re trying to push through on your strength, knowing it’s not something God is asking you to do? Better yet, for what are you unwilling to give control over to God? What would it take for you to give God Full control?

What in your life is God asking you to release to Him? You keep pushing and trying to do something in your strength! Do you know it’s not what God is asking you to do, so what is that thing? What would it take for you to give God Full control?

This is important because when we let our stubbornness get in the way of God’s leading into our lives, we lose out on growing into the person. God is shaping and moulding us to be. Let down your pride, stop pursuing those things that aren’t encouraged by God, and live a life of obedience to your Creator.

“The Lord works out everything to its proper end.” (Proverbs 16:4)

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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