Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

Do you focus too much on what isn’t yet happening? Do you focus too much on obstacles or problems? If so, you’re like most people. The problem is that when we turn our attention to the projects that are not completed or worry about what’s not working! We lose faith. Why? Because it’s easy to have faith when we pursue a God-inspired dream, it’s hard to have faith when it feels like God has a closed door.

God wants us to put our faith in Him when we are excited about a new project and wondering why our pursuit isn’t working out.

Today, I want to share two truths with you about faith. I hope this will encourage you to keep pursuing God and believe His plan is the best for your life.

Faith is God-sized confidence in things unseen. If you are moving toward something you believe! God leads you, and you pursue the direction until the door slams. You never have to worry about the direction! You’re heading when you’re with God. Instead of worrying about whether or not you’ll make it to your destination or achieve some God-given goal, you are free to run full speed ahead until God stops you.

Faith grows stronger! When you face challenges. Another name for this kind of faith is double-fisted. On one hand, we hold firmly to the belief that God is in control and has the power to overcome any obstacle. On the other hand, we believe that no matter what happens, God is working everything out for the good of those who love Him. True faith still trusts when a door is closed.

Today, remember that God is in control and can open and shut doors on your behalf. So, when a door opens, thank God. When one closes, thank God and keep moving forward.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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