Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

If you’re discouraged or find yourself in a season of questioning and doubt, I understand and have been there before. If you can relate, today’s devotion is for you or anyone who feels like they’re at a low point or their dreams have been stamped out! by the reality of the world: I want you to hear this: God doesn’t need something good to create something beautiful. He can do it out of nothing!

In the book of Genesis, we read about the Wonderful moment when God, through Jesus, gave form to a formless world and functioned in a functionless universe. He didn’t need to work with potential to get the job done. All he needed was matter and His creative power. The Bible says that God spoke the world into existence. “Let there be light,” God said. And there was light. “Let there be animals.” And there were animals.

That same God who spoke the world into being sees you and knows what you’re going through. That same God, who formed the world out of nothingness, wants to pick you up and create something more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

If you find yourself discouraged, don’t give up. Either your faith will get you where you want to be, or it’s going to lead you to a closed door that needs to be closed. No matter what happens, keep the faith!

God is the expert in taking broken and turning it into something majestic.

“Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” (1 John 5:5)

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