Author: Pastor Andrew Farland

When it comes to reading God’s word, does it get overwhelming? Does it feel like God has laid a heavy burden on you? Do you experience the pressure of obeying every commandment?

Take a deep breath and know this isn’t uncommon for many believers.

When we try to obey all the rules without fully knowing who God is, truthfully, it can seem that way! It is essential to have a personal revelation of Who God is. Who He wants to be to you.

Earlier, the same thing happened to God’s people in the book of Exodus. But God needed to show them something important. The Great Exodus marked the deliverance of God’s chosen people from extreme slavery!

It was also the time that God revealed a new part of who He was to His chosen people, calling Himself Yahweh. Yahweh refers to himself as a God of relationship, covenant and fullness. So, in this context, 10 commandments’ were given to us.

God did not burden His people. He provided them with a code to live by so they could PROTECT THEIR FREEDOM!

When you receive something of value you need, order in place to not squander it. God’s law is synonymous with His grace and His love for YOU! A God who saves, delivers, grants and protects-contextual proof that God’s Law! is meant for our benefit!!

Today, God wants you to be free. That is the reason He created guidelines and commandments. They are there to guide you and not to punish you! They have been put in place so that you won’t fall away and fall victim to the evil one.

Know that today! God loves you enough to reveal Himself to you. He loves you enough to make sure! You know who He is and what He expects! God isn’t a closed book. He’s an open book with unfolding revelation of His deep love.

“I don’t want your sacrifices-I want your love; I don’t want your offerings-I want you to know me.” [Hosea 6:6]

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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