By Pastor Andrew Farland

Remember those pop quizzes from school?
The teachers always seemed to know when you hadn’t studied, or when you weren’t paying attention.
Then, BAM! A pop quiz!

There’s nothing like a test to make you sit up and take notice. You may have even figured out that it’s a lot easier to stay focused along the way instead of cramming at the last minute.
God knows that, too.
Some of the things you are going through right now are God’s test!
God wants to see how you will react under pressure so He knows if He can trust you with more.
He wants to see if you’ve matured before He gives you the next assignment because He doesn’t want it to break you. He’s patient, and He can wait until you’re ready to move ahead.

God also wants you to know that if you’re willing to lean on Him, you’ll be ready for anything.
3 KEYS will help you PASS the test you are going through today:
Be patient and watch what you say.
Do what’s most loving for others, even if it sets you back.
Remind yourself of God’s character and track record. Declare in Faith how He won’t let you down!
Stay focused. Pay attention. Be ready.
God is trying to help you grow and mature into the person He knows you can become.

Psalm 139:23
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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