By Pastor Andrew Farland

You’ve probably heard about turning the other cheek.
Matthew 5:39 advises, “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”

Let’s be honest here. That’s pretty hard to do. But that’s what God expects from me – and from you. We have to turn the other cheek and walk away, even when someone hurt us on purpose.
Without getting even.
Without extracting revenge.
We’re not even supposed to get in the last word.
God knows how much energy and effort it takes to go after the other person. Plotting and planning revenge takes a lot of time – precious moments we could be spending lifting up others rather than tearing them down. That’s why God’s got our backs.

He’s going to take care of it.
Psalm 7:16 says, “The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads.” God promises that HE will see to it that “every pit-digger who works to trap and harm others will be trapped and harmed by their own treachery”
When wronged intentionally, take all the energy you would typically use in getting even, and pour it into prayer instead!
Our response to this promise . . . Walk away. Recite Psalm 7:17. Trust the Lord.
Let God handle the rest.
“But I will give thanks to you, Lord, for you make everything right in the end.”

Psalm 7:17
Leave it with God and let Him take care of it!

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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