By Pastor Andrew Farland

I find the story of Job in the Bible a great comfort. Here was a man described by God as righteous and upstanding, yet Job is the one who suffered greater than anyone in the Bible apart from Jesus Christ!

In just the first couple of chapters, we find that Job loses his wealth, his health, and his sons . . . a devastating loss. In looking back, we are able to see the entirety of Job’s story. We are given a backstage view of why he suffered. This was something Job wasn’t even able to see at the time, just like we aren’t able to see it when we go through hard times.

What price would Job have paid to know the reason behind his calamity? Would he have wanted to know that God was proving the integrity of his beloved servant? I bet Job would have loved to know the redemptive ending.

You see, God never took His eyes off of Job. He knew in advance how the story would end and how the devil, Job’s accuser, would be put to shame.

I’m thankful that Job’s life happened so early in history, allowing so many to be comforted by it! This helps me to courageously believe that God is working in my life, even when it would appear He has forsaken me. Job is the example that helps me maintain my integrity and my trust in God, even when I don’t understand what’s happening around me.

During my suffering, it’s important to know God loves me, even though I can’t see it. Trust goes beyond our limited understanding. And because God is love, we can trust that He is working out everything for our good and for His glory!

Job 42:12
“Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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