By Pastor Andrew Farland

The other day I had a really great experience buying food!

The cashier helping me out was a man named Joe. While I was checking out, Joe asked if I was a store member. I told him I wasn’t. Usually, in order to get a discount, you need to be a member already, but he swiped the card anyway and gave me a discount! He also said he had a $10 off coupon sitting around that no one else had used that day and gave it to me!

By the time I was done checking out I had saved probably about $20. Not only that, this man had such a sweet smile, and his words were soft and kind. It’s always so inspiring to meet loving people like Joe — the kind of person who does his work with great love!

What a great reminder that it’s not always about the big things. It’s about doing the little things done with great love! It’s also a good reminder that it’s not so much about what we do, but how we do it.

Today you might think that what you do has no significance.

You could just be a cashier at a store or a student in a class full of people. You could be a stay-at-home mom raising 3 children, or you also might also be a factory worker spending long hours on the assembly line.

As you go about your daily business, you might be wondering, where’s the glory in that?
But remember today, it’s how you do your work, and who you do it for that makes all the difference!

You don’t need to change your job; you need to change your boss. Don’t merely work for your earthly boss, but do everything unto God, working at it with your whole heart!

When you do this, your ordinary work becomes extraordinary!

Colossians 3:23-24
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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  1. Bruno

    Great article! Serving is not just serving the needy and poor people. Its about how and what you do with opportunities you get every day like Joe had.

    • Thank you brother and happy for spending your time in Mindful reads, He always gives us a chance to learn something when we seek Him.

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