By Pastor Andrew Farland

About 20 minutes from my home, a group of people meets once a week with the goal of spending time in fellowship and helping those in need.

I never knew anything about the organization until recently, when a friend of mine decided to join. The group is called the “Elk’s Lodge.”

These people meet in old buildings, but that doesn’t bother them. They don’t have much, either. They are what you would call normal, ordinary people – much like you and me. But when these people get together, the love in their hearts grows, and they are able to accomplish great things!

They honor God, their country and live to do good works in their communities. Here is their motto, and it’s one that can be our new motto as well:

“We respond to anyone who needs help”.

Let’s be like the members of the Elk’s Lodge and do good to those around us who need help. We don’t have to have a lot; we just have to have a lot of love!

Let’s never let charity be a rarity.

Galatians 6:10
“Therefore, wherever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone…”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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