By Pastor Andrew Farland

Sometimes the thing you are begging God for isn’t what’s best for you, and God will purposefully deprive you of those things that are harmful to you in the long term – no matter how badly you want them now.

I remember when I was dating this young gal, and I begged and pleaded with God, “Please God, I’ll do anything to be with her! This is what I want! Please let it be your will that I marry her! Give me the green light!”

But God didn’t grant me what I so wanted . . . and looking back on it, I’m glad now that He didn’t!

You see, over time, I saw that same girl walk farther away from God. And at the time, it felt like God was intentionally withholding good from me, but what I didn’t know was that down the line, there would have been some real problems had I married her and gotten things my way!

Today, maybe you feel like God has turned His back on you or shut His ears to your requests. Know that God’s will is good and perfect! He doesn’t withhold good from his children; we sometimes can’t see what’s good – or what isn’t!

Just like a father who cares deeply for his child, I bet it’s hard for Him to see us want something so badly that isn’t good for us. As much as young children love sweets, what father would let his children gorge on them until they were sick?

God knows your heart’s deepest desires. He also knows what harm lies ahead. Trust God to hold fast to what’s good and true. He sees things from a bigger perspective and He knows what the future holds!

From now on, learn to not only commit your ways to Him but also be okay with a ‘No’ from Him from time to time! If He says no, it’s for the best. It also usually means there is a better yes coming!

When God says no, don’t go.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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