By Pastor Andrew Farland
There are voices coming from every direction trying to get our attention. As people who are following Jesus, it can become challenging to hear God’s voice over all of the noise. Here are four ways to help you hear the voice of your Heavenly Father:
CONFIRMATIONS. God is intentional in everything He does. He will keep showing you the same thing until He gets through to you. Is there something your mind or spirit keeps coming back to? It might be time to write it down.
PATIENCE. The Bible tells us that love is first and foremost patient. This means patience is the language of Heaven. If something is not spoken patiently, you can assume it’s the devil trying to confuse you and entice you with an instant, unstable direction. God’s words, on the other hand, are secure and calculated and will resonate with a slow, wise response.
POWER. God’s voice carries more power than any words spoken on earth. This means that God will always ask you to do things that can’t be accomplished by your own power. The strength to accomplish it won’t be from you pushing, but from Him pushing.
CONVERSATIONS- God’s words echo in places that are deep down in your soul. When you sit down with another Christian who is seeking to discern the voice of God, you will find that God’s words move from the depths of your soul to the shore.
I pray that you can be still for just one moment today and begin to listen for the still small voice of God.
Proverbs 3:6-7
In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
Be encouraged today because God is with you.