By Pastor Andrew Farland

Late one night, I watched a video of a Christian musician who shared that her songs are the language of her relationship with God.

The video resonated with me so much that I started singing. I wanted to communicate with God with words that made sense to my heart. Eventually, I found myself repeating a chorus, “Everything may pass away, but Lord I know your love is here to stay!”

At that moment, God reminded me that we all will go through hills and valleys, highs and lows. We will have moments in which everything is going right. There will be seasons we never want to end.

In the good times, our life is prosperous, we are well respected by others, we make headway on the plans set before us, we have great relationships, and feel like we’re on top of the spiritual mountain. But, there are definitely seasons of life in which things don’t go right.

In Job Chapter 29, Job listed the blessings he had received from God during a good season of life.

He had the honor, people would listen to his words, he had influence, and he could sense God’s presence. He had dinners with his children every night and laughter was their song.

Job said that every time he passed, princes would pay attention and young men would be afraid of his presence. The Bible describes this time in Job’s life as one in which “rivers of oil were flowing out of the press.”

As he was recounting these blessings, he realized that the good season was over. He was now the laughing stock of the town. People ridiculed and spit at him which lead to some deep insecurities. Rivers of oil stopped flowing from the press.

The lesson that Job teaches us is powerful. Even in the middle of stress and insecurity, one thing remained: Job’s relationship with God.

We go through ups and downs. But, God’s love will never pass away.
Romans 8:38-39
says, “I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Today, in whatever you’re going through, let these words be your song: “Everything may pass away, but Lord I know your love is here to stay!”

Job 36:26
“Yes, God is great–beyond our knowledge! The number of his years is unsearchable.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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