By Pastor Andrew Farland

Peace Comes From God

People typically think of “peace” in an insufficient way.

They say that peace comes when we “let go.”

They say that peace comes when we “find ourselves.” Don’t get me wrong. There are elements of truth in both of these statements, but they aren’t complete.

Real peace comes when we let go of control and hold onto God’s promise about who we are.

I have met men and women who have spent their entire lives worried about their achievements, being good enough in the eyes of their peers, and making a name for themselves by the metrics of the world.

As successful as some of them were, they have yet to find peace. Why? Because their identity, their belief about who they are, is placed in something temporary.

Real peace comes when we let go of control and hold onto God’s promise about who we are.

The Bible is one continuous story of God pursuing the people He loves. Within that story are reminders of who God says we are. When we put our faith, trust, and hope in Jesus, we are God’s children (John 1:12), a friend of Jesus (John 15:15), good enough (Romans 3:24), accepted (Romans 15:7), and set free (Galatians 5:1).

When we believe that we are who God says we are, we find our identity in Him and not the rat race of the world. We become secure which translates to a peace that surpasses all understanding.

The amazing thing is when we give control to the Source, He promises to give us strength and peace. Keep that promise close to your heart and mind today when you forget who you are – a child loved and accepted by God.

Numbers 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

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