By Pastor Andrew Farland

There was a boy who was traveling on a ship.

Without warning, a storm approached and began tossing the ship in 15’ – 20’ surges. As the waves and the wind beat against the boat, they found access and ripped apart the vessel.

The boy was thrown overboard, but he managed to grab a piece of the wreckage. He used the broken piece of the ship to carry him to a rock. He climbed up onto the rock and sat in safety, waiting for his rescue.

When the rescuers arrived, one of them asked, “Were you afraid? Were you shaking or panicking? Anyone in your situation would have been frightened!”

The boy replied, “I was shaking, but the rock was not.”

Just like that story, we will find ourselves in similar situations. We’ll have similar decisions to make. We will live our lives based on the rock, or will we hold on to debris that is no longer useful?

Will we allow God to be our comfort?

In life, many storms will come. The Bible says we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. God’s ways are not our ways.

As much as we try to plan ahead, we do not know what tomorrow will bring. There are too many variables. We can’t guarantee that when tomorrow arrives, we’ll do this or do that. We must preface our plans with, “Lord willing.”

Many types of storms can appear without warning. You could have a financial crisis or lose your job. You may face divorce or illness, or even relational conflict.

The real question is not “Will you feel shipwrecked in life?”

It’s “When will it happen?”

What matters most is what you’ll do about it.

Are you going to place yourself on the rock of God’s truth, His promises, and His comfort, or will you wait in the ocean for rescue? It’s your choice.

When you find yourself afloat and afraid, remember the shipwrecked boy’s response:

I was shaking, but the rock wasn’t.’”

Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn] of my salvation, my stronghold.

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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