By Pastor Andrew Farland

Intuition can be an effective tool for navigating the ins and outs of life. Sometimes, I think God gives us the ability to feel which direction we should take or when we should stay away from particular people.

As great as our God-given feelings can be, though, they should not be the main filter through which we make daily decisions. Think about it. There are non-negotiables in all of our lives – reading the Bible, praying, eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water, that gives us the ability to live the kind of life God wants us to live.

If you and I wait until we woke up and feel like doing any of them, they would rarely happen.

If I only get up early when I felt like it, I would never do it. If I spend 15 minutes a day in silence with God when I feel like it, it would probably never happen. What examples can you think of in your own life? What are some non-negotiables that you put off because you don’t feel like doing them? Make a mental note of them or stop and jot them down.

The Bible tells us that God gives us immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. At the same time, the Bible also tells us that faith without works is dead. That means that faith in God is not passive. It requires you and me to create habits and rhythms in our lives that are rooted in faith and not just our feelings.

The truth is that if we ask our own opinions on the non-negotiables, I would always say “no.” I suspect you’re the same way. So, today, be honest with yourself about the non-negotiables you keep putting off because you don’t feel like doing them. What step can you take today to make daily decisions that are based first on faith? Spend time asking God for the ability to make it happen.

Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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