Author: Pastor Andrew

I don’t know about you, but I feel like there are new scientific discoveries every single day. Every time I open my web browser, I see an article about a new medication for curing cancer or about a scientist who unlocked a genetic mystery. The world’s smartest people are daily discovering new truths about the earth on which we live.

It can seem like everything is changing, can’t it? If scientists and physicists are uncovering realities about our world, it can start to feel like everything we know to be true will one day be proven false. After all, humans for centuries believed the world was flat and that the universe revolved around the earth. Who’s to say we’re not in the same boat as them?!

Change leads to uncertainty. Uncertainty leads to doubt.

I know because I’ve been there before.

If you find yourself feeling like you can’t get a firm footing because of fast-moving changes, let me assure you of one thing: All truth is God’s truth.

That means when scientists discover something new, they just understand God’s creation on a deeper level. They aren’t inventing or creating, just discovering God’s truth. It means that when government leaders claim to have the newest and brightest ideas for saving the planet, they are just uncovering solutions that God has already thought of.

If you and I can understand this small and profound idea, we can rest in the stability and firm foundation of God. In a seemingly ever-changing world, He never changes. In a culture whose beliefs shift like sand, we can turn to God’s Word and be confident that He is who He says He is, He did what the Bible says He did, and He’s with us like the Bible says He is.

Nothing is new for God. Stand firm in His Word today.

“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” (Isaiah 40:8)

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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