By Pastor Andrew Farland

There’s a difference between religion and a relationship with God.

Religion is all about rules and checking obligatory rituals off of a list. A relationship is all about an internal transformation that changes everything.

To some people, because they think He wants religion, God is a distant guy in the sky waiting to punish humans for messing up. To others, because they know God wants a relationship with them, God is intimately connected to them and loves them in the midst of whatever happens.

Another difference between the two that you need to hear is this: Comparison fuels religion. Grace powers relationships. When we are stuck playing the religion game, checking boxes, and earning points, we compete and compare ourselves with how other people are doing with their status with God.

When we have a relationship with God, we understand that we are loved and accepted no matter what. We don’t need to compare our status with someone else’s. Why? Because a personal relationship means just that. We don’t need to worry about anyone else because God sculpting a unique and fascinating journey just for us

Listen to this. You do not have a generic, cookie-cutter relationship with God. Instead, because His fingerprint is in the fabric of every person on earth, He relates and engages with you in a way that only you can understand. He has exciting twists and turns planned just for YOU.

The reason I tell all of this to you today is that I want you to know you can have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. He created you and wants to know you. So, quit trying to earn your way to God, competing with other people to get closer to Him. Enjoy the freedom that comes with a relationship full of unconditional love.

James 4:8
“Come near to God and he will come near to you.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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