Author: Pastor Andrew

If you’ve seen me order my coffee with about fifteen additional ingredients, you know that I tend to make everything more complicated than it needs to be. Honestly, it’s what I do in most areas of my life. Instead of simplifying, I complicate them and make relatively small tasks ridiculously complex.

Fortunately, God has made it clear and simple to follow Him.

When religious people asked Jesus what are the two most important commandments were, he replied saying, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself”. Basically, Jesus asks us to love God and love people.

Unfortunately, people like me complicate matters. We fill our calendars, lose focus, and make excuses for why we don’t have the time to love other people. If you can relate, I want to challenge you today to stop making excuses and begin to intentionally love the people in your life.

Here’s how I started taking Jesus’ simple instructions seriously. I began spending five to ten minutes, at night before bed, thinking of one friend or family member. I would first pray for that person and then ask God to reveal ways that I could be a blessing to him or her. Then, I would take out my to-do list and write down a practical, tangible way I could show love to that person.

When is the last time you thought intentionally about one person in your life? If you’re honest, when’s the last time you stopped to think about anyone other than yourself?

The truth is that if it’s God’s priority, it should be our priority. So, I challenge you to love other people the same way you prioritize your job, grocery trips, or time with your friends.

Remember! Don’t over-complicate it!

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12)

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