Author: Pastor Andrew

If you’ve been around people of faith for any amount of time, you have probably heard them say, “When one door closes, God opens a window.” Or, you’ve heard them say how thankful they were to God for opening a door into a new job, relationship, or passion project.

I love those conversations because they encourage me to continue seeking God’s direction for my life. But, if I’m honest, I think we can miss a big part of how God works in the world.

Don’t get me wrong. I definitely believe that God opens doors. But, I’m equally as confident that He shuts them.

Not nearly as romantic as talking about how God opens doors, huh?

Even though it’s not as fun to talk about, it’s important for you and I to remember that a shut door can be God’s way of protecting us, guiding us, and leading us toward His calling on our lives.

It could be that you hoped for God to open a door to a promotion at work, or to a relationship with a person who could be your future spouse, and instead, that door has been closed. Whatever it is that God has shut the door on, you need to hear this today: Do not force something that doesn’t fit.

God shuts doors because He has your best interest in mind. There is no need to try and knock it down or call in the battering rams. Instead, I have two, simple, practical steps you can take to lean into God when it feels like He’s closing a door.

1.Be patient: If you think that God has closed a door, give it at least three days before changing course. Spend time over these few days praying and asking God for clarity.
2.Release control: The gist of this whole conversation is a battle with God for control. Our desire to tear through a door that God has already shut is an example of our need for control. Spend time, as hard as it is, thanking God for opening and closing doors in your life.

Today, be thankful that God doesn’t just open every door. He shuts them for the same reason He opens them: for our benefit. Be patient. Release control.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

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