Author: Pastor Andrew

Yesterday, we compared our relationship with God to a garden. It’s a perfect metaphor because our soul needs to be cared for and cultivated by planting good seeds and watering them with life-giving water.

Today, let’s talk about weeding.

We all hate to pull weeds. If we’re honest with ourselves, we don’t like them because they create too much work. Bending over hurts our backs, the sun makes us sweat, and the fact that they just grow back makes us feel like we’re wasting time.

The truth is that a lot of Christians feel the same way about pulling spiritual weeds. It’s much easier to pretend they don’t exist, to think that they don’t have to put in a lot of effort to grow the way God wants them to grow. Before they know it, the enemy has grown roots in the garden of their soul so deep that it’s hard to know which plants are healthy or sick.

The enemy creeps in by telling you two lies:

God is not enough.

You’re not good enough.

His ultimate goal is to convince us that those two things are true. But, it’s ultimately our job, as people who are cultivating our relationship with God, to guard our heart so strongly that the enemy can’t get inside. How do we do that? You can start with two simple steps:

Get rid of distractions – What makes you lose focus? What causes you to prioritize the wrong things? Is it your relationships? Netflix? Work? Whatever it is, you need to pull the weeds because they will give the devil an inch. And, you know he’ll take a mile.

Get rid of idols – An idol is something that keeps God’s love from getting to your heart. What in your life take the place of God? What do you devote your time, energy, and money toward that isn’t your heavenly father? Get rid of it as soon as possible.

It’s tough work to guard your heart. It’s the part of following Jesus that nobody wants to do. But, it’s the most necessary.

Today, what step can you take to start pulling the spiritual weeds out of your life?

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)

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