By Pastor Andrew Farland

There was a young man in attendance at his dad’s funeral.

The son about the last time he saw his dad. They were in the garage, and while the dad working under the car, the two of them began arguing and yelling at each other. Before long, they said words they couldn’t take back.

Later that evening, the son received a call. The car had crashed down on his dad, killing him instantly.

Fast forward to the memorial service, where the son is standing in front of everyone. He tried holding back his tears, and his chin quivered. His body language told of his pain. Without saying a word, he looked around the room. Then he mustered up the courage to open his mouth.

“I want you to look to your right and to your left. You might be sitting with your relatives or with your friends. Now think about the question I’m going to ask you: If that person died today, would you have loved them any differently?”

This son was trying to say that life is short. Too short.

We don’t always get the opportunity to get out our final words. We forget to say I love you or we didn’t take the time. We forget to give others a few extra minutes, and we don’t even take a break. We keep going as though tomorrow – and the people we love – will always be there.

I want to remind you today that life is short.

Before you know it, the lights will dim.

Like it says in Ecclesiastes 11, enjoy the God of your youth, but remember to never forget God. Take time for the people in your life while you still have the capacity to do so.

It’s easy to take people and even God for granted, but I want you to reprioritize your focus. Consider for a moment, the people in your family. Who you would live differently if you knew they would die tomorrow?

There’s a story about a man who died and went to hell and asked for a favor. He wanted to go back for just a little while to let his family know that hell existed because he didn’t want them joining him.

God said, “No.”

“They have everything they need. They have the Word of God, just like you did. You can’t go back,” He continued.

You can’t go back, either.

Remember that we are accountable to God for everything we do in public and in secret, whether it is good or bad. Remember that you get only one chance to do things the right way.

. . . one chance to milk every relationship.

. . . one chance to develop a deep and blossoming relationship with God every day.

. . . one chance to enrich the lives of others and love them.

Ask for forgiveness, confess your sins, and never forget what’s really important.

Ecclesiastes 11:7-10

“Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. But let them remember the days of darkness, for there will be many. Everything to come is meaningless. You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment. So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless.”

Be encouraged today because God is with you.

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